Our 2018 Partners
Without these people & companies we wouldn't be able to organize and complete our 2018 Radical Renovations. Thank you to each of them!

Keystone Sponsors 2018

Community Sponsors 2018

Sustaining Sponsors 2018

Major In-Kind Construction Contributors 2018

Major In-Kind Hospitality Contributors 2018
Service Sponsors - Full List
Maslany Creative
Dri-Way Carpet & Upholstery Care
BC Regional Council of Carpenters
Built-Rite Structural Services
Canem Systems Ltd. Victoria
Farmer Construction
Method Engineering & Building Services
Philco Construction Ltd.
Playsted Sheet Metal
Rocky Point Engineering
Soare Roofing
Tricity Finishing
Vancouver Island Construction Association
West Star Drywall Ltd.
Allteck Power Line Contractors
Local 258 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
4 Seasons Fire Prevention Services
Emerald Commercial Service Ltd.
Gordon n' Gordon Interiors Ltd.
Envision Designs & Development
KMZ Landscapes
All Around Moving & Installation Services
A.B. Painting
Nu Edge Painting
Keith's Plumbing & Heating
NorthWest Environmental
Parker Johnston Industries Ltd.

Supply Sponsors - Full List
Berwicke Retirement Communities
Colonial Countertops
Columbia Skylights
End of the Roll
Redline Glass
Ruffell & Brown Window Fashions
Slegg Building Supplies
Commercial Lighting
HL Demolition & Waste Management Ltd.

Hospitality Sponsors - Full List
Camosun College - Food Truck
Camosun Culinary Arts Program
Chateau Victoria/Vista 18
Chef to Go
Coast Victoria Hotel & Marina
Country Grocer
Esquimalt High School (Culinary Arts Program)
Esquimalt United Church/Rainbow Kitchen
First Metropolitan United Church
Indecent Risotto Food Truck

Adrien Livingston
Alwyn Lamrock
Alyne Gomes de Araujo
Andrew Netherton
Andrew Swan
Andy Ogle
Anne Hale
Anne-Marie Fontaine
Annette Wall
Ashley Beach
Audrey Mairi
Bernadine Coyote
Betty-Ann Thomson
Brandon Bourne
Brenda Bolton
Brenda Houston
Brenna Boland
Brian Bergstrom
Brian Mendoza Dominguez
Brian Nolan
Cam Wilson
Carla Lewis
Cheryl Thorpe
Chris Gow
Chris Lamrock
Claire Windels
Christian Haug
Colin Thomson
Connor Hurn
Connor Mikasko
Craig Langille
Dan Hoft
Dan Ross
Dana Waite
Daneé Lambourne
Dany Nadeau
Dave Lesfrud
Dave Lindsay
David Comeicao
David de Oliveira Conceicao
David O’Neill-Fortier
Deborah Hunt
Denis Paquette
Deyanira Mendoza Dominguez
Don Craig
Dustin Semrok
Elizabeth Garrett
Erica Littler
Erick Pay
Ernst Benische
Frances Strauss
Gary Stride
Greg Gyorfk
Greg Kelly
Gregory Fox
Guido van de Bos
Haley Van Poorten
Hang Ngo
Heather O’Brien
Helen Brown
Hugh Scaife
Ian Gill
Ilya Ford-Ruckel
Iris Sunday
James Piddington
Jason Gowan
Jason Ness
Jean-Luc Larocque
Jennifer Mulleray
Jennifer Sonier
Jenny Lu
Jessica Sidhu
Jill Howard
Jim Ross
Joanie McCorry
Jonann Boraks
John Penner
Jonathan Chisholm
Joseph O’Donovan
Joseph Tong
Joshua Weaver
Justin Brey
Kaelan Shute
Kahla Lichti
Karen Dadd
Karen Dinnie-Smith
Karen Kolodziejak
Kate Markham-Zantvort
Kathryn Struthers
Kathy Warrington
Kelly Greaves
Kerry Steinemann
Kevin Neven
Kieran de Tuberville
Kiki Chen
Kimberly Elkas
Kira Kelly
Kristal Brunion
Kristen Littler
Kyla Loasby
Kyle Fischbach
Lauren Wiegel
Laurie Meyers
Leah Jefferson
Leo Dizon
Lesley Butterfield
Logan Gillie
Louise Rauser
Madeleine Duncan
Mai Guo
Malca Casior
Marisa Tanaka
Mark Liudzius
Marlis Kromm
Matt Amedro
Matt Mulleray
Matt Webb
Matthew Stow
Maureen Aastrom
May Lee Mei-man
Mélanie Cox-Châble
Melanie Palmer
Melany Pilon
Melinda Song
Mia Frankl
Michael Schur
Michele Hibbins
Michelle Swanson
Michelle-Ashley Ellerington
Mike Brown
Mike Guo
Mike Wolske
Mohammed Sulaiman
Nancy McNab
Nic Hume
Nicholas Lindsay
Nick Brandle
Nick Miller
Olivier Marechal
Patricia Currie
Patricia Irwin
Patrick Hunt
Pete Mitchell
Pete Thompson
Richard Owen
Rick Wiegel
Rob Halliday
Robert Cole
Robert (Bob) Currie
Robin Rushton
Rochelle Relyea
Roger Dickinson
Roger Esteves
Rommel Billanes
Rose Lima
Sandra Webb
Sarah Monaghan-Covacic
Scott Davis
Sean Millard
Sean Thomas
Shane Otto
Shelley Scaife
Shiela O’Shean
Si Tiam
Siobhan Gilbert
Skip Carby
Stephanie Morand
Steve Burton
Steven Jack
Stew Millett
Stu Mason
Susan Featherby
Tammy Hudak
Tanya Twinn
Ted Przedborski
Terri Kott
Terry Edison-Brown
Theresa Ritchie
Tim Beswick
Tom Forest
Tom Gore
Tristan Burneson
Trevor Coyle
Troy Wilson
Val Blood
Vance Smith
Vera Gammert
Veronica Leslie
Wade Roberts
Wayne Thompson
We Er Zhou
Wes Belcher
William Han
William Doyle
Zachary Mellenger