In May 2016 HeroWork completed an dock refresh valued at over $100K for Camp Pringle.
Camp Pringle
Camp Pringle is located at Shawnigan Lake, just 45 minutes from Victoria, BC.
Thousands of children benefit from this facility every year by attending school trips and summer camp. Kids build connectivity to nature and leadership skills, gaining experiences last a lifetime.
The camp also partners with non-profits such as the Mustard Seed, Our Place, high schools, churches, Victoria Folk Music, and dozens more.
They are an integral part of the community, but the camp was desperate for help with their dock before the summer season began!
The basic structure was in good condition, but all of the surface decking needed to be replaced. The dock also needed an entire section replaced with extra floatation for stability, as well as multiple stringers, ladders, and more.
The Best of Humanity
The best of humanity was on display at Camp Pringle in the middle of May 2016. It was a sight to behold.
Volunteers came from the Vancouver Island Construction Association Under 40 group (VICA U40), and HeroWork. Dock experts were provided by the Oak Bay Marine Group. All arrived with their families on Friday night with a single goal: to renew the 25-year-old, 4,600 square foot dock so that kids can play safe for many years to come.
By 4pm Sunday the job was done. The job was valued by the OBMG representative at over $100,000.
The renewed dock was a stunning achievement and is now beautiful.
More than the dock, the people were amazing. Their work ethic and determination was exemplary. There were new friendships and connections. Families gathered around the campfire and laughed, roasting marshmellows. There were high fives, hugs, and smiles. People shared meals and kids played with camp counsellors.
It was truly the best of humanity on display--with a radical result to boot!
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Our membership is excited to participate in this worthy event. Once we are done the dock will be good for years to come. We are also looking forward to bringing our families to enjoy an authentic camp experience.
Chris Lyons Chair of VICA Under 40
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